Better Naked ranges do not contain any allergens listed under the EU legislation. Our product does not contain MSG.
The ‘natural flavourings’ recipe itself is a closely guarded secret, however we do use a blend of Mediterranean dried fruits that are high in antioxidants. It does not contain nightshade species, but can contain pepper (piper nigrum) extract.
We do not use any nitrites, whether from traditional sodium nitrite or nitrites derived from vegetable extracts like celery juice. By adding non-selective fruit extracts instead of nitrites, Better Naked Bacon and Better Naked Ham have the equivalent dietary make-up of fresh pork with added dried fruit juice.
Better Naked teams up with Belazu to create unique flavour system for NEW plant-based bolognese recipe kit
International Women’s Day at Better Naked
NEW Better Naked plant-based sauces launch at Tesco